Tuesday, June 15, 2010


We kind of have a schedule, on good days.
8:00 am - wake up call
8:30-9:00 - breakfast. Oatmeal, muffins or peanut butter toast. usually all served with yogurt.
9:30-11:30 - play time! We color, watch tv, run around the house, etc
11:30 - lunch. leftovers, apple sauce, whatever he will eat
12:00-12:30 - put Westin down for nap. He will sleep any where between an hour to 3 hours.
When he wakes up sometimes he will have a snack. If the weather is nice we will swim.
6:00 - supper time! If he wont eat what we are eating I will heat up his rice and veggies
6:30-8:00 - play time again
8:00 - bath time!
8:30 - put on braces and time for bed

I just really wanted to get a schedule written down b/c it has changed so much and I never think to write it down so I can see how much it chances. And it is hard to write down a schedule when it is hard to get him on one! So now that he kind of has a schedule I thought I would write it down.

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