Monday, May 31, 2010

he loves to play music!

Also while we were at Wal-mart we got Westin this guitar. It plays 5 different song, Wild Thing, Crazy Little Thing Called Love, You're an Allstar, Loveshack, and SOS. You can also make noise with the whammy bar and if you strum the strings it will make a sound. It is really cool and he likes it. He just loves music! He drums on everything and he loves any song he hears. If he hears a song on tv he will stop to listen. It is so cute.

1 comment:

  1. I've enjoyed reading your blog. Encourage him to play the guitar and music. When I was little I was facinated by mucis and instruments. When I was 19, I taught myself to play the guitar, and I am 60 today and I still play. One of the things I enjoy most doing.
